Sunday, September 17, 2006

It's Not A Good Idea To Give Someone A Puppy As A Surprise Gift!

Puppy Training

Hi all,
I know almost everybody expresses their interest in owning a puppy, but.........

It's Not A Good Idea To Give Someone A Puppy As A Surprise Gift

Despite what you may think, it is never a good idea to give someone a puppy as a surprise gift. Getting a dog is such a personal decision, and a bond needs to be made when an owner picks a puppy. A puppy given as a gift sounds cute, almost irresistible, but it takes the owner out of the decision-making process of picking a puppy.

For example, parents often give a child a puppy as a gift, but after a few weeks, the child grows weary of the responsibility. And who can blame them?

Owning a puppy is hard work. A puppy is not some toy to have around the house. Of course it's a great experience for kids to have a puppy in the house - they can play with the puppy and help work on training. But a puppy should be a gift for the whole household and not just for a child.

Resist the temptation of buying a puppy as a gift for someone. Let the person make the choice of when they want to get a puppy and what kind they wish to have. Conscious choice is the best method in any situation that involves a commitment.

Please remember this especially if you have started scratching your head for a Christmas gift for, It's Not A Good Idea To Give Someone A Puppy As A Surprise Gift.

Till we 'woof' again, have a wonderful weekend.

Puppy Training

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